Essential Workbooks for Starting Your Social Media and Content Marketing

To the right there is a person holding a coffee mug. Beside them is a printed out copy of the LBD Digital Create Quality Content Consistently Workbook.

With more people getting into business with each year – over 406,000 new businesses were launched in Australia in the 2023 financial year alone – it’s more important than ever to get creative in your marketing efforts, and be authentic. This blog explores starting your social media and content marketing, using Instagram as the base, and how to create engaging content. 

How to Build Customer Profiling and Marketing Plans 

Picture of our Profiling Your Customer Workbook, which also helps with writing a digital marketing plan

Everyone has a dream business lifestyle, and many of us started our businesses to gain the flexibility needed to achieve those dreams. The downside of business is it comes with unavoidable tedious tasks. We know as marketers, that the little tasks involved with digital marketing can add up and take up time that business owners […]

Using Your Social Platforms to Spread Awareness for Issues

Photo of headphones, a keyboard, mouse, pen and notebook on a pink background.

With so much happening in the world right now, lots of people are taking to social media to spread awareness, particularly when it comes to social and political issues. Here are some tips for what you can share to your business profiles.

How you can use TikTok Notes for your Brand

Hand holding phone showing a TikTok profile with a variety of posts and other content showing in the profile.

Have you been seeing the notifications “__ is on TikTok Notes” on your TikTok lately, and like us a few weeks ago, had no clue what “TikTok Notes” was? If your answer is yes, by the end of this blog you’ll have the rundown on what TikTok Notes is and whether it’s a suitable tool for your business’s marketing.

Is Untrendy the New Trendy? The Rise of the De-influencer and UGC

UGC creator shows product she is advertising to her phone camera.

Influencers sharing “perfect” lifestyles and unrealistic ideals are starting to be consumed by less, and the lines between “influencer” and “normal person” content are now more blurred than ever. This blog explores how influencer marketing content has changed into what it is today, and how the average person is getting into similar marketing, without the hassle of building a profile first. 

The cover of LBD Digital's Free Guide to Creating Accessible Digital Content

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