Laptop screen showing Threads and Instagram app

Learning the Ropes of Threads

If you’re a social media manager, chances are you got a knot in your stomach at the launch of yet another social media platform to wrap your head around. However, no need to get in a tangle! We’ve got everything you need to know about Threads to stay on-top of the game and create accessible, engaging content for your clients and customers.

What is Threads?

Threads is the newest social media platform launched from Meta, on July 5th 2023. The app was introduced on Instagram, encouraging users to start their own Threads profile linked to their pre-existing Instagram accounts. Although they are connected, Threads is a separate application downloadable on your mobile phone. Users can create and repost threads, reply to, and follow others. With similar features to Twitter (now known as X), threads and replies can include shortform text, as well as links, photos, videos or any combination of them. This allows for a lot of breathing room in creating content for your business.

Here are some popular Threads content ideas you can try:  

Graphic explaining threads content ideas

Threads as a Marketing Tool

Although Threads currently isn’t available to everyone, it is quickly becoming a useful tool for digital marketing.

Similar to Instagram, businesses are using it to share and post organic and sponsored content. Threads’ branded content policies require users to @ mention brands they are collaborating with in paid partnerships and to use the paid partnerships tool.

Graphic explaining how to use the paid partnership tool on Threads

Is Threads Easy To Use?  

Threads is accessible and easy to use. Since users need an existing Instagram account to create a Threads profile, it syncs all your personal information from Instagram to it, including your following list. All you need to do is select “Follow all” when the app suggests accounts to connect with when you’re first creating a profile. This feature even allows you to automatically follow (or request to follow, for private accounts) accounts that download Threads in the future. This makes it easy to stay connected to existing clients and partners.

To make your Threads account reachable, link to your profile sits at the top of your Instagram profile, meaning your customers won’t even have to search your username in the app! This saves the hassle of starting from scratch to reach new audiences, because many of your existing ones are there from the get-go.  

Threads offers the opportunity to repurpose existing content from other social platforms in a more accessible format. For example, businesses can repurpose longer content, such as blog posts, by breaking them down into easily digestible key parts.

Benefits of Threads

Detailed Information Sharing

Businesses can create a more in-depth narrative for their products/services, with a 500-character limit and ability to share photos, videos and links to individual threads. This is particularly beneficial for sharing specific features, explanations or testimonials about products/services.

Since Threads lacks a Direct Message feature, it invites more communication with potential customers and clients in public viewing. This has the benefit of answering questions that multiple people may have in a widely visible place. Increased customer service also unintentionally could make your brand appear more personal and authentic.

Cross-Platform Visibility

You can repost threads directly to your Instagram stories, allowing you to maximise your content distribution and engage more of your target audience. This also encourages your Instagram followers to go to your Threads profile and engage with your brand on there, leading to wider exposure.

Downsides of Threads

Less Opportunities for Niche Content  

An initial downside of Threads  is while it shares similarity to Twitter, it’s lacking the same tightknit sub communities and niches that Twitter offers. This can make it difficult to find active communities for certain topics and users. However, this leaves the exciting question of how users will navigate the app to create new spaces and groups. Many of us remember the shift of content on before it was rebranded as TikTok. The shorter, music-focused video content has been almost entirely wiped out by longer, educational content, as well as niche humour and spaces for minority groups to represent their voice – such as disabled and LGBTQIA+ individuals and people of colour.

Content Overload

While setting up an account is straightforward, the first few scrolls through your “For You” feed might be a bit overwhelming for new users. The automatic syncing of your Instagram following creates a large mix of content from the get-go, making it harder to narrow down to your niche and potential clients or partners. We’d recommend doing an Instagram cleanse before downloading!

Not Hashtag-Friendly

Threads is yet another app moving away from hashtags and keywords as a discoverability feature. The most essential thing you can do to grow your profile is having an active presence and keeping up to date with competitors. It is recommended to post around 1-4 threads a day. This is obviously not ideal for those working for multiple clients who cannot devote as much time to scrolling and searching for new content ideas. Plus, because Threads is so new, not a lot of social media marketing newsletters and tips targeting Threads are around yet. The best way to navigate the app is by organically interacting with it.

Limited Performance Data

While businesses can see likes, replies and follows on Threads, there is no feature to check analytics and KPIs. This means determining the success of ROI is difficult. Accessing follower demographics and platform use, as well as comparing past and present insights is unavailable, making it virtually impossible to maintain marketing strategies as consistent as on other platforms.

Final Thoughts on Threads

Threads is a clear example of how some social media channels are encouraging more personal and time sensitive content. The app is a great opportunity to closely connect with clients and experiment with your content. However, the main disadvantage is being unable to plan and schedule posts in advance and check analytics.

Think of Threads as a digital party. Everyone is just having fun, feeding off the atmosphere and aren’t too worried about how they’re perceived (yet).  Observation skills, creative copy and trust is vital in excelling on Threads. We’d recommend learning the ins and outs of this app before it becomes mainstream, so you can flesh out exactly how to position your brand on it.  

If you still feel lost in the algorithm’s cobweb, LBD Digital is here to help

We understand the rise of new social channels can be overwhelming. Especially ones that require keeping up with trends and coming up with fresh content ideas. Fortunately, the Little Black Dress Digital team excels in staying ahead of the game and creating social media content strategies perfect for your brand.

When it comes to your social media marketing, as well as email marketing and managing your website, we would love to help you out. Reach out to us today and we can chat about any questions you have and find a package that’s right for you.

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